Top products for Flowers
MAS-Power KS
MAS-Power KS is a unique potassium and sulphur formulation designed for use as a premium foliar nutrient spray combined with Engage’s MAS anti stress, assimilation system.
This advanced formulation maximises efficacy of the formulation by aiding the penetration, distribution and assimilation of the potassium and sulphur by the plant. MAS also aids plant health and reinforces crop stress tolerance.
MAS-Power Foliars
MAS-Power Foliars are unique nutrient formulations, containing both trace elements and Engage’s MAS technology designed to rapidly address specific nutrient requirements and stresses, during the crititcal growth stages of flower crops.
MAS-Power Foliars maximise foliar nutrient uptake and assimilation to allow application rates to be lower. MAS technology also Improve the metabolism of the flowers and will promote overall plant health and vigour. Each element within the MAS-Power Foliar range has a support pack designed to aid penetration, distribution and assimilation of that applied nutrient efficacy is always at its highest