Fortify 30-20

Still got questions? Speak with Andy Aspinall or Mark Horner on +44(0)1257 226590.

Fortify 30-20

Fortify 30-20 a potassium phosphite designed for use in all fruit and vegetable crops to provide potassium and phosphorus as a highly transported (PO3) phosphite instead of normal phosphate. This stimulates increased vascular flow and greater rooting potential for greater stronger growth.

The potassium phosphite in Fortify 30-20 also stimulates secondary nutrient pathways to increase energy output by the plant to increase growth potential and to support crop health in reducing susceptibility to pathogenic stress. Fortify 30-20 is created without the need for ammonia
stabilisation making it ideal for use as an irrigated or foliar applied potassium and phosphorus fertiliser.


  • To aid vascular flow.
  • To stimulate root growth.
  • To increase energy output for increased growth.
  • To reduce susceptibility to stress.


  • Fortify 30-20 advanced zero nitrogen potassium phosphite designed for use in all fruit and vegetable crops.
  • Fortify 30-20 is a new potassium phosphite formulation created without the need for ammonia stabilisation making it ideal for use as an irrigated fertiliser for crop sensitive to ammonia such as strawberries.
  • Work across the world on PO3 has proven that phosphites increase the phloem mobility of nutrients when used regularly and maintain strong vascular systems even in maturing plants.
  • Fortify 30-20 provides a strong potassium and phosphorus source which can be distributed within a plant at higher volumes and will stimulate great root growth and activity.

Fortify 30-20 also supports crop health by stimulating a secondary nutrient pathway to reduce susceptibility to pathogenic stress.

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