Broadacre Crops


For optimal return on potatoes, nutrient programming and timing is the key to success, whether it be to maximise tuber number, size and weight or to support key processes such as initiation, bulking or skin set/finish.

Timing your nutrients or ensuring there is optimal supply through key processes will ensure crops are supported through periods of peak demand and have support if stress pressure increases whether it be abiotic pressure through adverse weather conditions or lack of water, or biotic pressure from pests or pathogens.

Engage has many years of experience in the nutrition of potatoes across the world and have developed a programme of products aimed at targeting key nutrient periods to keep potato crops healthy so they produce high yielding, quality crops. The following highlights key products from the programme.


Potatoes Crop Programme
Potato Brochure

Top products for Potatoes

Fortify Cu

Fortify Cu (7-16-0+1.5% Cu) is a unique formulation of nitrogen phosphorus, copper and halide ions which complement each other to support plant growth, support crop health and reduce yield loss. With programmed application Fortify Cu will aid vascular flow, support root growth, maintain established yield and reduce susceptibility to cereal disease infection.

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Bio-Chel Ca

The worlds most concentrated calcium chelate is completely organically formulated from a sustainable, renewable resource and is 100% pure available calcium. Being 100% calcium and organic means its acceptance by plants could not be higher so application efficacy is ensured. Also due to the strong organic chelation of Bio-Chel Ca is non-reactive making is ideal for application within all nutrient and foliar plant protection products.

Bio-Chel also contains natural surface active compounds which breakdown surface tension of water allowing even distribution across the leaf surface removing the need for adjuvants in sprays where Bio-Chel Ca is used.

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MAS-Power Mg

MAS-Power Mg is a unique magnesium formulation combined with Engage MAS mineral assimilation system This advanced formulation maximises the penetration, distribution and assimilation of magnesium by the plant. The MAS technology also aids plant health and reinforces crop stress tolerance. Magnesium also enhances nutrient uptake and increases iron utilisation. Soils with a low pH have reduced magnesium availability whereas higher pH soils have increased availability of magnesium. Soils with high levels of calcium and potassium can also reduce the accessible, magnesium to the plant.

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Sentinel is a 10% targeted foliar Silicon is based upon the delivery of mono-silicic and salicylic acid to the crop. This is the only form of silicon plants will accept and its affects are highly beneficial to all cereals. Once applied it is stored by the plants help to build resilient cells which act as a physical barrier for the crop to help reduce both susceptibility to disease infection and predation from insect pests.

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Cypher is a modified organic acid blend derived from plant active portions of lignin and leonhardite ore. It comprises of 100% organic acids which unlock nutrient potential for increased potato growth and yield.  Cypher is designed to condition soils which have become compacted or overloaded in bonded salts.

Regular use of Cypher will help maintain good aggregate stability, strong biomass and active soil microflora and will bebond ‘locked up’ nutrients like calcium and phosphorus to ensure potatoes can uptake important elements at higher levels.

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MAS-Power Mn

MAS-Power Mn is a unique formulation designed for use as a premium foliar manganese combined with Engage mineral assimilation system (MAS). Manganese is involved in photosynthesis and change of leaf colour is often the first visual symptom of deficiency. Manganese deficiency seriously impairs crop growth, quality and yield. high soil pH reduces the availability of manganese and a low soil pH will increase the availability of manganese even to the point of toxicity. High applications or soils with high levels of iron can reduce manganese uptake.

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