Growing Solutions
At Engage, we strive to ensure that we create and develop only the best crop support technologies, nutritonal packages and biostimulants and over 10 years our range is now extensive providing multiple platform technologies for all growing situations. To quickly find the growing solution required, simply click on the icon below to view the full range of products in that category.

Water Saving & Correction
Engage’s in depth research in water saving and correction has lead to the development of several prominent technologies which brings innovation to this important sector.

Foliar Correction
Engage has developed multiple advanced techniques of foliar feeding for plants by applying liquid nutrients directly to the leaves to stimulate high absorption and assimilation.

Stress Reduction
Engage are leading the way in stress reduction technologies with a focus on reducing susceptibility to any kind of stress.

Soil Correction
Engage have developed a range of technologies, sepcifically created to work in soil and growing media. These leading techologies support soil health or nautally correct issues oftern seen in soil and substrate rootzones.

Growth Stimulation
Optimsing crop growth to ensure it delivers high yeilding, quality produce is key. Engage are experts in the field, devoping technolgies to cover all stages of growth.

Root stimulation
Engage know, a strong healthy root system is essential for optimal nutrtional support to growing crops. Our advanced technologies have been developed to enhance rooting and root activity.